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Luciano Berio
for String quartet

Length: 07:00
Editor: Universal Edition - Wien

The birth of a musical work is a complex and mysterious matter - although often unintentionally so. It is perhaps for this reason that the composer is often reticent to describe the genesis of his works.
I had already been working sporadically for some time on a new string quartet (the fourth), when I was asked to contribute an obligatory finalists' piece to the Borciani Competition. Glad to render homage 10 the memory of Borciani and the Italian Quartet, I took the sketches, which I had been collecting and modifying here and there, and gathered them together in such a way as to avoid the impression of a homogeneous development or of continuous variation. I thus gave up the idea of a "fourth quartet" and in its place Glosse was born, made up of short commentaries on a virtual quartet or, more precisely, on a quartet which does not exist.
A rather complex and mysterious matter...
(Luciano Berio)

Commissioned by I TEATRI di Reggio Emilia for the 4th Concorso Internazionale per Quartetto d'Archi "Premio Paolo Borciani" "Premio Paolo Borciani" International Competition for String Quartet