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Stefano Taglietti
Il Marinaio
Teatro d'ascolto - da F.Pessoa nella traduzione di A.Tabucchi, adattamento di S.Taglietti
for s, str-quart, perc, live-el and tape

Length: 20:47
1� Performance: Roma. Acquario Romano. regia del suono EDISON STUDIO - 11/1998
Buyed by: Premio CEMAT

Il Marinaio (The Sailor) presents a dialogue between three woman who live in an unidentified space, in an oneiric suspension in which they themselves are a dream. The Watchers, to believe themselves real, feel that they must talk. They recall their lives, their longings, the places, the strong colours, the poetry. In the pivotal point of the story, one of the woman recounts a dream she has had  of a sailor shipwrecked on a desert island. The man, in his extreme solitude, imagines, dreams of a new fatherland, new voices, faces, sounds, colours, dialects. The composition wishes to recall, to construct an archaic emotive landscape, new and faraway, inhabited by entities, by creatures of formless sounds. These communicate the profiles, the visions, the characters of mankind: an inlay indelibly imprinted in the imagination of each and every man. This CD contains the live recording of 11/11/1998 public performance.