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Riccardo Dapelo
Due studi sulla sintesi di immagini e suoni
for Tape and Electronics

Length: 06:00
Format: Video

For some time now I have sensed the need to explore the interaction between image (generally abstract) and sound. Naturally it is not a case of adding sound to pre-existing images or the reverse. What interests me is the exploration of the generative moment; that is, an environment-system in which these two worlds come into existence and interact simultaneously at the level both of conception and of perception. A hazard may well be hidden in this intention: in our social system of communication image has predominance (if not absolute power) over sound. My intention is not to align myself with this tendency but rather to refine the perceptive characteristics of a system of communication through the resonances of visual and aural stimuli, the possibility of transferring techniques of sound synthesis/transformation to the image and vice-versa. It could be said, from the point of view of the musician (sound designer, sound sculptor), that the aim (as far as listening is concerned) is to insert the parameter image in the global composition. The problem immediately becomes complicated, since the image (either dynamic or static) is already in its turn "composition". However, it is a question (in the case of image in movement) of "composition" as function of time; consequently it can be treated with compositional parameters that are generally applied to sound composition: dynamics, tension, texture, accumulation, dispersion, density. These two short studies are the first stages of this exploration.