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Salvatore Sciarrino
Esplorazione del bianco I
for Double bass solo

Length: 07:00
Editor: Ricordi
1� Performance: Macerata - Abbazia di Fiastra - 07/1986

Marks, primary movements of the hand on the page. The formulation of a space is a simple gesture, but everything is in itself a journey into the unknown. The white has secrets that are not revealed to the average glance. Perhaps a sensitivity can be acquired so acute that every perception is harmful. Opposites are reconciled, like life and death in thought. By refining the sound, silence emerges around and within us.
The gradations of the white are therefore innumerable, since the quality of the shadow is infinite. Almost a reminder of an original flash of lightning, there is no longer any difference between light and dark: the wave of light in fact is followed by a trail of obscurity. In this way the Exploration of the White represents a plunging into blindness, a tenuous dazzling diversity.
(Salvatore Sciarrino)