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Andrea Nicoli
Where? When?
for Tape

Length: 10:38

"The formal processes of musical composition have always had a particular fascination for me, above all in our century where forms are elastic material to be shaped at our pleasure and will. In this context, one of the parameters which has interested me more than any other is that of time, intended both as management of its dimension and of its perception and modification, without however neglecting the traditional sense of its flowing, like an endless journey through diversified and unpredictable emotional areas, or like linear transformations from one situation to another, utilizing also the concept of memory of objects (acoustic/musical), their impact on a parallel but different zone of emotive evolvement.
All this is linked to another great love of mine: the theatre. And in this composition, as in other works of mine, through the role of musical events and their temporal management, I try to create a dramaturgy consisting aolely of emotional states and not of obvious meanings.
As a metaphor of travelling, the rolling of the sphere then searches and finds situations which determine its movement and its direction. Its aspect changes through linear metamorphoses or sudden changes. It encounters symmetrical states or areas of chaos which explodes and/or reorganizes. What I am looking for is to maintain the unity of the sphere "personality" which, notwithstanding the tranformations presents itself once more in its original (acoustic) aspect. The interaction with the other "personalities" is short-lived and does not affect its original characteristics. It is a kind of observer-traveller, emotionally distant from what it meets on its way, a kind of "glacial Ulysses".