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Ivan Fedele
Etudes boréales

5 studi
for Piano

The Cage-like title should not lead one to imagine the introduction of an unorthodox compositional method with reference to the practical tenets of Fedele. The research at the basis of these five pieces is instead absolutely coherent and indeed extremely significant. The form of the study reveals the inception of an in-depth elaboration process of the instrumental structure which led, three years later, in the Concerto for piano and orchestra.
The theme of Études boréales is resonance, intended not only as an acoustic phenomenon but also as a paradigm for asserting the identity of each sound object. Besides this, the exploration chiefly concerns the timbre while the denomination "boréales" refers to the predominance of colours of a limpid, clear, tactile luminosity.
Although short, the five studies for piano emerge as micro-organisms, each endowed with its own formal identity, almost always defined by contraposition or by dialogue between heterogeneous principles.