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Andrea Nicoli
Andrea Nicoli - Biography
Torino, 1960


E-mail: [email protected]
L'orlo dell'aria
for bass flute and live electronics
Ni anverso ni reverso (1999)
for voice, three female choires, tape and live electronics

He was born in Turin in 1960. He got a diploma in composition under the guidance of P. L. Zangelmi and in electronic music with A. Vidolin and M. Lupone. He has also studied organ and orchestra conducting, and later on attended the advanced training courses at Scuola Mucsicale di Fiesole with G. Manzoni.He has worked as conductor and performer in orchestra and chamber ensembles. He founded Musica '900 Ensemble, which is specialized in contemporary repertoire. He concentrated his artistic commitment on composition. His works include solo, chamber and orchestral pieces, as well as electro acoustic and electronic compositions. He is now interested in interactive systems and multi-media theatre. In this context he has composed the theatre pieces Il grido, Parole e musica, Batte profondo un tamburo (Nessun soffiod'ali), La voce e il confine (Segni, città), Ni anverso ni reverso and Teatro immaginario.

The works he realised in the last few years show his deep interest in contemporary poetry, and in particular to authors such as Caproni, Sanguineti, Borges, Pasolini, Calvino, Bukowski, Beckett and Dürennmatt.
Nicoli has been guest of many contemporary music festivals; his works have been performed in Italy and abroad (Austria, Greece, France, Germany, Japan, USA, Portugal); some of them were broadcast by RAI and Dutch Radio.
He has collaborated with the major centres of musical research such as DIST, University of Genoa, Istituto GRAMMA in L'Aquila and CRM in Rome.

His works are published by Edipan, Pentaflowers, SAM, Longo-Gabbani, Taukay and Ars Publica. His music has been recorded on CD by Pentaflowers, SAM, Taukay and Ars Publica.
Nicoli collaborates with the theatre company "Teatro di Castalia", he wrote incidental music for Giulietta e Romeo, Le Baccanti and Ascensione per il patibolo.
Nicoli won the "E. Porrino" international composition competition in Cagliari and the "Inglostadter Orgeltage" in Ingolstadt. He received a Honour Mention in the IBLA Foundation competition in New York.
He has been jury in composition competitions.
He teaches composition at the Conservatory of La Spezia, where he also leads a two-year course concerning the role of new technologies applied on the activity of composing.

Updated to 06/2003