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Giulio Castagnoli
"Oltre lo stretto vuoto"
for Piano and Amplification

Length: 08:00
Editor: BMG Ariola - Ricordi

"...oltre lo stretto vuoto..." is the composition that gives the title and ends this small piano compositions cycle composed in 1992. It draws inspiration from the poems collection of the same name "In forma di haiku" by Carlo Cignetti. The verses of the first movement are were written by him:
nascente ora
vana evanescente
muore invano
In the second part there is a haiku - in Japanese and in Italian - by the contemporary poet Sono Uchida:
In the empty air
Peace spreads all around
- an icicle falls
Other colours are to be added to the white and black of the keyboard in all three movements. This is the way one should interpret the legends of the third composition, extracted from a text of the XVII century for Ch'in (Chinese lute) and suggest particular acoustic worlds through poetical images. The work can be performed with an amplified piano, and even better if using live electronics, distorting it slightly to obtain a "wrinkledness", which would not otherwise exist in the colour nuances of the piano.
(Giulio Castagnoli)