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Stefano Trevisi
Swallow I
for Voice reciting and Tape

Length: 04:05

Giulia Mirandola, voice

Swallow is an open project about phonetic sounds and consists of several independent sections; here I am presenting the first one. Sound materials are overlapped, basing on a different density, to create different levels of energy from constructive organic processes (when different layers have the same phase) to destructive ones (coinciding with opposite phase).
The focus of the research is on the phonetic gesture, which results from spoken materials, excluding the components related to singing. It has been developed from a poetical text, Masticazione, by Claudia Castellucci, which is characterized by a pregnant phonetic rhythm, although it is not an onomatopoeic text, and by a strong gesture. The poem contains a detailed description of the chewing and the swallowing of a fig; it has been completely crumbled and then re-coagulated on the basis of the phonetic movements generated by the performer and on the violent gesture, bursting out of the text. 
(Stefano Trevisi)
Tape materials were recorded at the Centro Tempo Reale (Florence).
The tape was composed at the Electronic Music Lab at the Conservatorio "A.Boito" in Parma.
The voice was recorded and mixed at the GrocLab (Barcelona).
The poem is included in Uovo di Bocca, Bollati Boringhieri Editore, Turin 2000.

Production: Tempo Reale (Florence) - Studio di Musica Elettronica del Conservatorio "A. Boito" (Parma) - GrocLab (Barcelona)