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Paola Livorsi
for fl., cl. b., vl, vlc and pf

Length: 11:00
1� Performance: Helsinki - 1998

Manantialfor five musicians (1997-98) was written during my first year in Finland. The title means ‘brook�' and comes from the unaccomplished homonim poem of Federico García Lorca (a quotation from it appears at the beginning of the score : « Frente al ancho crepúsculo de invierno », « In front of the long winter twilight »). But what was the most important to me at the moment, was the idea of communication between human being and nature, of their mutual identification : the protagonist of the poem tries to listen to the voice of a brook, without being able to interpret it ; little by little he transforms himself in other natural elements (for instance in a tree), to experience other ways of comprehension ; one of the verses sounds :  « ¡ Dame oídos / que entiendan a las aguas ! » (« Give me ears to understand what waters say ! »).