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profiles - works - andrea saba - biography


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Andrea Saba - Biography
Cagliari, 1964


E-mail: [email protected]
Cerchi e altre figure (1994)
Cerchi e altre figure (1994)
Musical studies with Franco Oppo (Composition) and Roberto Doati (Electronic music).
He wrote about twenty works for any kind of instrumental ensemble, with or without tape.
His compositions has been performed at the following Festivals: Festival Spaziomusica (Cagliari 1992, '93, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 2000); G.A.M.O. (Firenze, 1994); Festival of Computer music "La terra fertile" (L'Aquila, 1994); Civic Theatre of Cagliari (1994); Festival "Corpi del suono" (L'Aquila, 1996, 1998), International Festival Archaeus (Bucarest, 1999), Festival "Eclettica" (Napoli, 2000), Festival Futura (Crest, France, 1999), Competition "E. Pujol" (Sassari, 1994, 2000)
He was a winner of the Competition "40 Anni nel duemila" (Roma 1998).
Actually he is teaching Arraging for Band at the Conservatory of Parma.
Updated to 11/2000