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Aldo Clementi
for Piano

Length: 04:30
Editor: Suvini-Zerboni

The musical language of Aldo Clementi is noticeable for a particular elegance of rendering, for a severity that is never indifference but simply detachment from everything that is superfluously hedonistic and decorative. His Studio sul Tocco (1993) requires the performer to form melodies of varying length, using exclusively a group of six notes with the right hand and another specular group of six notes with the left. The two groups are repeated and developed as in a kaleidescope, so as to present, although remaining always the same, variegated changing patterns.
B.A.C.H. is the title of a fundamental composition of 1970 with which Aldo Clementi initiated his "diatonic period". It is characterized, to quote Gianluigi Mattietti, by "a close creative relationship with painting, where the contrapuntal and canonical structure, based on four specular forms, demonstrates a surprising analogy with Escher's drawings. But also the mechanism of the progressive augmentations, which contributes to the effect of an extensive rallentando, corresponds to the idea of different enlargements of the same sound objects".
Loure and Vom Himmel hoch in fact foresee three different temporal scansions, always slower, which allow the listener to distinguish more clearly the fascination of contrapuntal superimpositions.
In addition, in all the pieces of Clementi in programme the systematic use of reiterations - variously modified - of the same thematic material determines a fascinating alteration of the perception of time and space in which immobility and frenzy coexist.
(Roberto Prosseda)