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Ivan Fedele
Immagini da Escher
for fl., cl., pf, vibr, vl and vlc

Length: 15:00

After Ali di Cantor for large ensemble and Arcipelago Möbius for clarinet, violin, cello and double bass, Immagini da Escher is the third work I have recently composed which is inspired by mathematical, geometrical and figurative principles. Escher made frequent use of Möbius' geometrical representations (in particular his famous "ring") to realise visual multidimensional paradoxes where the concepts of beginning and end seem to have no spatial meaning, but seem relegated to the dimension of time. Escher, in a certain sense a precursor of fractal images, realises meta-geometrical images where we often find the "big" reflected in the "small", just as the detail is often the reflection of the whole. From these speculations, my composition, conceived as a comment on Arcipelago Möbius, draws plenty of imaginative suggestions that transfer the geometrical and figurative meaning to the aesthetic and poetic dimension of sound, to the "genetic" composition and the larger structural organisation. The form is divided into sections that are imbedded one in the other without perceivable rests in between. Three duets may be discerned: the two wind instruments (flute and clarinet), the two strings (violin and cello) and the two resonating instruments (piano and vibraphone). The dialectic of the work comes about by their fusion and disintegration, a form in continuous transformation actually conceived without a beginning or an end but rather simply as a series of instances of a continuous flow that the composer observes here and there. (Ivan Fedele)