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Antonio Scarcia
Antonio Scarcia - Biography

E-mail: [email protected]

Antonio Scarcia graduated in Electronic Engineering at University of Padua and received a degree of specialization in Signal Processing at University of Bari. Later, he continued in academic studies at Conservatory of Bari, where he recently graduated cum laude in Electronic Music. Currently, he is external faculty professor at Conservatory of Genoa. His interests cover computer-aided composition for electro-acoustic and audio-visual works and his works for fixed media were represented during several events as International Computer Music Conference 2007 (Copenaghen) and 2010 (Stony Brook, NY), Sound and Music Computing 2009 (Oporto) and 2010 (Barcelona) , North Carolina Computer Music Festival 2007 (Raleygh, NC), Festival Internazionale di Musica Elettroacustica del Conservatorio S.Cecilia 2011 and 2010 (Rome), Mantis Festival 2010 (Manchester); he received the first prize at Musica Nova 2011 (Prague). Since 2004, he participates with Sin[x]Thésis, a group involved in research and production directed by Francesco Scagliola

Updated to 02/2012