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Luigi Ceccarelli
In Die Resurrectionis
for Eight channels tape and 6 Scanners

Length: 30:00
1� Performance: Basilica di San Vitale - Ravenna Festival - Ravenna
Buyed by: Ravenna Festival

In Die Resurrectionis was commissioned by Ravenna Festival as an installation for the Basilica of San Vitale and includes, in addition to the sound, a visual part expressly realized by Gianfranco Lucchino.
In Die Resurrectionis was prompted by various fragments of XII century Gregorian chant which are in the Ravenna Library and which formed part of the Christian liturgy in Ravenna during that period.
The fragments used in this work are, in particular, a troped Communion of the Easter Mass and two antiphons "ad processionem".
The voices were recorded, under the supervision of Giacomo Baroffio, by the "Sorores" choir directed by Kim Eun Ju.
The whole composition consists in three parts of approximately ten minutes each. On this occasion the central part is presented.
The extensive reverberation typical of Christian churches - and of San Vitale in particular, since the church is of octagonal plan with a large women's gallery - has furnished an unusual basis for the conception of sound in electroacoustic music. The work in the laboratory consequently involved a continual comparison with the effects in the real-life environment and the final mixing of the piece on eight tracks was realized in the basilica itself.
The processing of the sounds was carried out at Edison Studio.