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Azio Corghi
Intermedi e Canzoni
for Trombone solo

Length: 07:00
Editor: Suvini-Zerboni
1� Performance: I Concerti di Repubblica e Ricordi, Sala Bossi del Conservatorio - Bologna - 10/1988

Intermedi e Canzoni belong to the scenic music written for La Piovana by Ruzante. I tried to stress the connection between comic and tragic that comes from the indecent and powerful vitality of Ruzante's theatre, that expresses the unbridled country-world energy, using the dialect. While the music comments upon the action on the stage and participate in it, the noisy quarrel, the irony of the servants, the equivocal love song of the manservant and the recognition between father and doughter follow each other and mingle. I also inserted a melodic popular incipit taken from the Renaissance, in the materials subjected to the play of composition.
Using special sound production technics, the trombone tends often, paradoxically, to substitute for the action: describing the scene in a realistic or an imaginary way, the interpreter ends up performing, singing, dancing and substituting for the actor.
Intermedi e Canzoni for trombone solo are dedicated to Michele Lomuto.
(Azio Corghi)