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Luigi Ceccarelli
De Zarb à Daf
for Percussionist and Tape

Length: 16:30
1� Performance: Festival "Syntèse 97", Palais Jacqes Coeur - Bourges - 05/1997
Buyed by: Institut International de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges (FRA)

De Zarb à Daf is the result of the meeting of two widely separated musical worlds: electroacoustic music and Iranian traditional music. It is an attempt to amalgamate two cultures through the creation of music which is emotional for both, maintaining at the same time a link between the tradition of the past and the projection in the future towards fields which are not yet familiar. De Zarb à Daf also represents the meeting of two musicians with totally different artistic backgrounds: Luigi Ceccarelli, electroacoustic composer and Mahammed Ghavi-Helm, percussionist. Zarb and Daf are two drums of traditional Iranian music which are used for realizating all the parts of the work, from magnetic tape to direct live sound. De Zarb à Daf is intended as a homage to Maestro Téhèrani, innovator of the technique of the Zarb. Ideally, this composition proposes to be a further continuation of this innovation by integrating the centuries-old manual technique with digital technology. The piece was commissioned by the "Institut International de Musique Electroacoustique" of Bourges; it was performed for the first time at the Bourges "Synthèse" Festival in 1997 and received an honorary mention at the "Prix Ars Electronica" of Linz in 1998. Its ideation and realization were carried out at Charybde Studio during the author's stay in Bourges at the beginning of 1997.
(L. Ceccarelli)