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Nicola Sani
Oltre il deserto spazio
for fl., cl., vl, vlc and pf

Editor: Suvini-Zerboni
1� Performance: Festival Emergenze - Roma - 1999

Oltre il deserto spazio belongs to a new stage of my compositional journey. After a lengthy period dedicated to researching sound with electronic technologies, which led me to an in-depth exploration of the relationship between natural sound, pan-acoustic material and synthetic virtual sound - and whose result was various works for magnetic tape and live instruments - today it is rather research on the universe of instrumental tone that constitutes the new basic reference. This is a novel research on the ultimate tensions, filtered by the electroacoustic views on sound, through which the instrument assumes a different physiognomy. In particular, it is space that constitutes a new pole of attraction and a processing parameter, a sonorous space where it is easy to exceed and where the tone coalesces, elaborating itself in the confluence and interrelationship of the single elements. A conception in itself inter-medial, even without the use of images or of visual codes, in the sense of interdependence of all the elements in play. The title, from Lucretius, refers to this unavoidable necessity for overcoming the isolation of the sound "which one hears", like that of the man who consciously seeks it, and for exploding the sound in its multiple complexities, in the silences and in the space of a world that has changed space. (Nicola Sani)