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Nicola Sani
I binari del tempo
for Flute and Tape

Editor: Suvini-Zerboni
1� Performance: Teatro Alla Scala - Milano - 02/1999

This composition is based on the air sounds and on the beating sounds, coming from the sound materials produced by means of several kind of flutes by the italian flutist Manuel Zurria. The recorded sounds were then processed by means of the digital sound processing and editing techniques at the GRM Studios in Paris.
The pulse rhythm of the heartbeat of the flute player, which was captured by chance in the depths of the recorded flute sonorities, flow parallel with the time of the sound materials.
The flute looses its peculiarity of monodic instrument and becomes a generator of multiple timbre patterns. The traditional flute sounds are not heard, but one may perceive their transfiguration in an universe of sounds expanded through digital technologies, projected in the sound environment, where the complex and raw structure of the air sounds prevails.
A universe of sounds flows from the flute which is strictly connected to the vocal horizons. The silence take place in this drama as a perception of the limit, of the loneliness, as a tension factor, as an element of contrast and suspension at the same time, from which the relations between the several sound dynamics are originated.