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Mauro Cardi
for Electronics and Zarb

Length: 10:50
1� Performance: Sala Casella - Roma - 11/2002

Production: Edison Studio - Rome

Alba was inspired by a lyric of the Persian poet Rumi (At Dawn in the English translation). The words, recited by the percussionist Muhammed Ghavi-Helm and simultaneously accompanied by samplings of the zarb and other traditional instruments, provide the material for the electronics in deferred time, over which the live performance of the soloist is superimposed and interacts. The secular sacrality of Rumi's text recounts, sublimated in poetry, the intimate search for the self in the full circle of human experience. A circular movement pervades also the score, where the rhythm deduced from the traditional declamation of the words seeks a synthesis with the improvisation carried out by the soloist according to the patterns prearranged by the author.
(M. Cardi)