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Alessandro Cipriani
Il ritorno di Tuuli
film-documentario di Silvia Di Domenico, Giulio Latini, Marco Rovetto

Length: 42:00
Format: Video

Directed by Silvia Di Domenico - Giulio Latini - Marco Rovetto
with Tuuli Nevasalmi
Music: Alessandro Cipriani
Photography: Giulio Latini - Silvia Di Domenico - Marco Rovetto
edited by Silvia Di Domenico - Marco Rovetto
duration: 50 min. - Betacam Sp, colore
produced by Navert Film - Federica Lang

The film-documentary "The Return of Tuuli" is about the return of Tuuli Nevasalmi - a young finnish woman who lives in Italy since many years - back to Finland and to the heart of Lapland. It's a return based on her desire to find her genuine roots - those expressed by the culture and the teachings of experience of Sami people. Tuuli arrives first in Helsinki then she goes to Tampere, where she meets her relatives and friends and intense visualm atmospheres. Then after an 800 km trip by train she gets to Luosto and over to Kuttura - 100 km from North Cape.
In that enchanted scenery Tuuli finds the emotion in her heart and in her gaze, in front of a sacred fire lit in a "koda", in the woods full of snow. She listens to the words of Pekka Aikio - the president of Saami parliament - and of an old sami man. They talk about the fascinating, ancient story of their people. The story is alternated with the story of Tuuli and the reasons why she decided to go to Italy. The music, composed by Alessandro Cipriani, is based on the electronic elaboration of the chants and the sonic atmospheres of the tradition of Sami people.