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Nicola Sani
Lied (you have been lied to)
for 3 Percussion electronics and Alto flute amplified

1� Performance: Festival GAS - Göteborg - 10/2001

This project originates in the joint work of the composer with the members of Ensemble Ars Ludi and flautist Giovanni Trovalusci. It is not a composition for traditional percussion and the flute likewise reaches a dimension of timbre very different from its usual sound. The electronics become a filter of the present and the four performers interact on structures in which the sounds of contemporary life are reproduced, distorted, amplified, in a continuous explosive relationship between conflicting dynamics and states of mind. It is a work which reflects the dissatisfaction in the relationship of the composer with the society of globalization and the ideology of the single market and in which the sound material is literally projected towards a critical vision of reality and an awareness (also in the use of the sounds) that is able, antagonistically, to lead to reflection on our social condition.