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Andrea Nicoli
Gli echi chiamano
for Guitar and Electronics


Gli echi chiamano is a work which originated in 1994 as the result of the overwhelming wish of the composer to express the anguish he felt over the war in Yugoslavia, too near to be considered as far away.
- But hasn't all this already happened? -
- And what about the concentration camps in Germany and Poland in the past? -(well, then….)
- The lives lost have been of no matter? -
- Am I (and you too) still able to sense the vibrations of the screams of the children that have remained quivering in the air since that time, the teardrops which fell (and which will fall), the anger at helplessness, the fear? -
Fragments of text, either written or recounted verbally, relating to the war in Yugoslavia have been processed on the tape which, read at random, creates a state of continual tension in the performer which "provokes" him, through a score written in "open form", to the production of different and contrasting emotional conditions.