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Riccardo Dapelo - Biography
Genova, 1962

E-mail: [email protected]
...Et in luce requiescas
for tape

He has got degrees in Piano and in Composition. Afterwards he studied composition with G. Manzoni and he graduated with honours in Electronic music with A. Vidolin. Since 1990 his compositions are executed in concerts (Europe, Brazil, Australia, USA, Argentina, Cuba) and broadcasted by Italians and foreign radios. He received several prizes and selections in international electroacoustic and composition contests. He published on CD several pieces (SAM records, Rivo Alto, Tau Kay, Ars Publica). Since 1996 he is working as composer/sound designer and at the Laboratory of Musical Informatics at the D.I.S.T. of the University of Genoa. He published several papers about processing, synthesis and analysis of the human voice, sound spatialisation and musical developments of artificial emotions. Actually he is working with the Italian sculptor Pinuccio Sciola at an interactive sound installation with sculptures, lights and visual media in a tourneè all over the world (Torino, Frankfurt, La Habana, Hannover Expo 2000 and forthcoming Japan). He realized several works and sound installations for museum and open space exhibitions. He works as Teacher of Composition in the Conservatory of Sassari (Italy).

Updated to 07/2001