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Franco Evangelisti
for Flute solo

Length: 05:51
Editor: Bruzzichelli

Proporzioni is dedicated to Severino Gazzelloni and reveals several features characteristic of the music of Franco Evangelisti: clarity and essentiality of the structures, attention to the physical dimension of sound which is realized in a precise research of new ways of attack, in exaggerated dynamics and in continually changing pitches and metric values. The rest - which Mario Bortolotto describes as "the acute sense of silence" - contributes to scanning the sound blocks, accentuating the lucidity of the form. Moreover, a constant element of Evangelisti's compositions, here confirmed, is the attempt to find a complementary equilibrium between structural severity and the alea, almost a return to the age-old dilemma between Apollonian and Dionysiac. Like this, elements of rational improvisation are present within an idea of structurizing form.
(Luisella Botteon)