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Walter Branchi
Walter Branchi - Biography


He is a gardener and a composer. He tought Composizione Musicale Elettronica at the Conservatorio "S. Cecilia" in Rome and formerly at the Conservatorio "G. Rossini" in Pesaro. Member of the "Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza" from 1966 to 1975.
Founder, in 1967, together with Franco Evangelisti, Domenico Guaccero, Egisto Macchi, Gino Marinuzzi jr. and technicians Paolo Ketoff and Guido Guiducci, of the "Studio R7" in Rome. He is also founder of the LEMS (Laboratorio Elettronico per la Musica Sperimentale) in Pesaro, which he directed for six years. He worked in the Unesco italian section for Music and Technology and wrote both technical and theoretical articles and books on music, among which "Tecnologia della Musica Elettronica" (first italian book on this subject), "Intervalli e sistemi di intonazione" and "Verso-l'uno".
From 1973 to 1977 he was part of the "Gruppo Intercodice ALTRO" and in 1977, together with Guido Baggiani, founded "Musica Verticale".

Walter Branchi spent a few years in the United States and Canada, as a composition teacher. In 1979 he was "Fulbright" at the University of Princeton, where he realized his first composition of "Intero". In 1983 he was invited as visiting composer from Stanford University at the CCRMA (Computer Centre Research Music and Acoustics) where he composed "Le ali di Angelico"; another part of "Intero". In 1984 he was composer in residence at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver (British Columbia - Canada), where he kept teaching composition.

In 1987 he founded Musica/Complessità and in 1996, together with Roberto Laneri, realizes "Harmonices Mundi" project in Orvieto.
"I think music in a systemic way. I think of my music as one huge composition, made of parts which may be separated but are not to see isolated from one another. I think of a whole which will take my entire life and will never be completed. A "canto" where each part includes the whole and is included by it. Every such part can be performed singly,in sequence or in conterpoint with the other parts of "Intero".
I think of a personal contribution, a music of musics where each whole is part of an ever larger whole."

Updated to 01/2003