01 July 2005
July 1st 2005
8.30 p.m. at the
Podewils'schen Palais in Berlin Mitte
Giuliano Mesa, Anna Clementi, Matias Guerra
Agostino Di Scipio
Audible Ecosystmics n.3a (Background Noise Study)
Audible Ecosystmics n.3b (Background Noise Study, with Mouth Performer) world premiere
live-electronics + "mouth performer"
Paysages Historiques no.4: New York Background Media Noise
(live electronics) world premiere of the live version
8-track digital audio
2 speakers, multitrack digital audio, video
Giuliano Mesa, Anna Clementi, reciter
Natalia Pschenitschnikova mouth performer
Agostino Di Scipio electronics
Matias Guerra images