Textures - Clementi 05
23 May 2005MusicaScienza 2005
CRM in collaboration with Federazione CEMAT, Istituto GRAMMA, Progetto Musica
Rome, Goethe Institut Rom
May 23th, 9pm
Happy birthday Aldo Clementi. Eighty years on 25 May 2005 and a positive mark in the history of music. Firmly based on two pillars of the 20th century, Igor Stravinskij and Anton Webern, Clementi has built up a catalogue which contains a synthesis of the century that has just ended and references, for who among his younger colleagues wish to follow him, for interpreting the third millennium, already well launched.
Fofty years ago, between 1955 and 1962, we find him at Darmstadt. The following year, thanks to Bruno Maderna, he is working at the RAI Studio of Ohology, Milan. His personality very soon made itself felt, in a career which developed through significant talks with Berio, Nono, Stockhausen, informality, alea… The art of Clementi soon appeared as cold and devoid of facility for the listener. Although he was born in Catania, one might imagine that he was a Fleming of our time. a tireless researcher of novelty but at the same time a keeper of artistic and musical history (not only recent) and of a sophisticated counterpoint intended for who wants to, and knows how to, listen to Music (disregarding those who mistake it for background sound). Marco Di Battista
Works by Aldo Clementi
Parafrasi II for alto flute and recorded flute
Frammento for prepared piano
Texture for trombone and tape - WP
Passacaglia for flute and pre-recorded violin
Due Canoni for flute, violin and piano
Manuel Zurria flute, Oscar Pizzo piano, Aldo Campanari violin
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