Call for Score - GERMI 2010
30 April 2010with the patronage of the Federazione CEMAT
Composers of any age or nationality may submit
Works scored for: solo saxophone, solo piano, or saxophone and piano duo with or without electronics - maximum duration of 12 minutes. No live electronics.
Deadline: April, 30 2010
Entry fee: euro 30 (thirty) for one score, and euro 20 (twenty) per score if more than one is submitted.
Awards: The authors of the first three classified scores will receive the publication and recording of the work and they will be performed during next winter 2010 at Teatro Dal Verme in Milan. The score sheet and the audio CD will be produced by Casa Editrice Sconfinarte.
Associazione Culturale G.E.R.M.I.
Gruppo Europeo Ricerca Musicale Indipendente
Via della Bufalotta, 23 sc.B int.5
00139 Rome (I)
Ph: +39 06 87082359
Fax: +39 06 8175273
[email protected]
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