Bruno Maderna Competition 2010
15 June 2010
International Composition Competition for youth orchestra “Bruno Maderna” 2010
1st edition
with the patronage of Federazione CEMAT
The jury, chaired by Maria Grazia Seren, artistic director of the orchestra, has awarded the following prizes:
1st prize: TAINÀ by Antonio Giacometti
2nd prize: GLI GNOMI by Federico Cumar
3rd prize: TERRA MADRE by Walter Stefano Bonadè
Deadline: June 15, 2010
2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets
tympani and percussions (2 performers),
3 trumpets, 1 flugelhorn, 2 trombones
Duration: between 7’ and 10’
Prizes: Euro 2000
Rules & Regulations
Article 1
The Association "Ecce Gratum", with Edizioni Sconfinarte and under the patronage of the Municipality of Treviso (Italy), SIMC (ISCM – italian section) and Federazione Cemat, advertises the International Composition Competition "Bruno Maderna" 2010 - I ° Edition addressed to original compositions for youth orchestra. The duration must be between 7’and 10’.
The composition must not exceed the following instrumentation:
2 flutes (the second also piccolo)
2 oboes
2 clarinets (the second also bass clarinet)
1 flugelhorn
3 trumpets
2 trombones
tympani (1 player)
percussion (1 player)
Available instruments: 1 bass drum, 1 glockenspiel, 1 triangle, 1 snare drum, 2 suspended cymbals
(medium and large), 1 ocean drum.
6 violins I
6 violins II
3 violas
4 cellos
1 bass
The composition, being aimed at students, should not exceed the degree of difficulty of the 3rd Course instrumental.
Article 2
The competition is open to composers of any nationality without age limit.
Article 3
Composers can participate with only one work.
Article 4
Each composer has to pay a registration fee of Euro 40 to cover the costs of the secretariat.
The payment must be made by bank transfer as outlined below:
Beneficiary: Association Ecce Gratum
At: Banca di Monastier e del Sile
IBAN: IT96Q0707412000CC0250606032
Cause: entry fee for the International Composition Competition "Bruno Maderna" 2010.
The participant’s name and surname must be indicated.
Article 5
Applications for the Competition must be sent by post to the Secretariat of the International Composition
Competition "Bruno Maderna" in Via Madonnetta 9 / b 35042 Este (PD) - Italy no later than June 15,
2010 (postmark June 15, 2010, to be received by June 22, 2010). The Association Ecce Gratum, which organizes the competition, is not responsible for any problems or delays in delivery.
Article 6
Applications must contain:
1) Two copies of the orchestral score to be anonymous and marked with a motto of recognition. The motto of recognition must be clearly visible on the scores.
2) A sealed envelope, identified by the same motto of recognition and containing:
a) the identity of the author (name, place and date of birth, nationality, copy of identity document);
b) Title, duration and any comments on the work;
c) a brief artistic curriculum in three copies;
d) a statement, signed by the author, declaring on his or her own responsibility that the submitted work has been specially composed for the Competition, and that it has not been published nor been subject of recordings, and that it has never been performed in public, even under another title. This statement, which will serve as acceptance of the above mentioned rules, is also required to clearly show the motto used to identify the score;
e) authorization, according to Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03 (Italian law), for the Association to treat sensitive data provided to participate in the contest, solely for purposes of competition management.
The data controller is the Association Ecce Gratum, via Amalfi 19 -31100 Treviso /Via Madonnetta 9 / b
35042 Este (PD) - Italy
Article 7
Applications which do not contain all the documents listed above or do not comply with the procedures required to guarantee the anonymity of the candidate will be disqualified from the competition.
Article 8
The submitted scores will be judged by a jury composed of 5 members.
The jury will be chaired by a chairman with no voting rights, who will be responsible for overseeing the work and monitoring compliance with the procedures laid down by this Regulation.
Article 9
The winning composers must provide the performance material within July 15, 2010.
Article 10
The composer who will be awarded the 1st prize will receive 1000 euros and his or her composition will be performed on Autumn 2010, during the concert of the Orchestra Giovani Musicisti Veneti conducted by Francesco Pavan, and will be published by Sconfinarte Editions, Rovato (Brescia - Italy)
The composer who will be awarded the 2nd prize will receive 650 euros and his or her composition will be performed on Autumn 2010, during the concert of the Orchestra Giovani Musicisti Veneti conducted by Francesco Pavan, and will be published by Sconfinarte Editions, Rovato (Brescia - Italy)
The composer who will be awarded the 3rd prize will receive 350 euros and his or her composition will be performed on Autumn 2010, during the concert of the Orchestra Giovani Musicisti Veneti conducted by Francesco Pavan, and will be published by Sconfinarte Editions, Rovato (Brescia - Italy)
All winning works might be planned in future concert seasons of the Orchestra Giovani Musicisti Veneti.
Article 11
The composers who win the contest will be hosted by the Ecce Gratum and the Municipality of Treviso on the day of the performance. Accommodation and daily food allowance will be provided, travelling expenses are NOT included.
Article 12
All the entered works will be kept by the Association Ecce Gratum. They will be returned only if this is expressly requested by the composer, who will have to pay mail charges.
Article 13
The winning compositions will remain the property of the author, who will exercise all rights under the legislation.
Article 14
Any television or radio broadcast or recording made during the performances with allowance of the organization are deemed to have been authorized by the composers without incurring any additional obligation for the organizers.
Article 15
By entering his/her work, the participant indicates his/her acceptance of these conditions and the decisions of the selection committee. Works by composers who do not submit to the requirements above will be disqualified
Article 16
The scores of the composers who do not satisfy the above mentioned criteria will not be taken into consideration in the selection for the competition.
Article 17
In the event of any disputes, the competition rules in Italian language shall be legally binding.
Participants waive all rights to initiate legal proceedings against the decision of the jury. For matters not explicitly specified in the competition rules, we refer to Italian law and especially to the laws governing the specific matter.
Article 18
All works received within the deadline will be judged by the selection committee. Send materials to:
Via Madonnetta 9/b - 35042 Este (PD) - ITALIA
[email protected]