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activities - sixe - suono italiano per l'europa - 2008 - rome


11 Dicember 2008

"Giuseppe Sinopoli"  Prize

The Sinopoli Prize has been awarded to

 Giuseppe Russo Rossi

He studied with Pavel Vernikov and Hatto Beyerle and he is part of Quartetto Mirus, created after the activities of project SIXE-Suono Italiano per l'Europa.
Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Italian Republic, will hand him over the award on Thursday December 11, 2008 at the Quirinal Palace.
"Giuseppe Sinopoli" Prize, created by the Presidency of the Italian Republic and supported by the Academy of Santa Cecilia, is a scholarship given to a student with high results in his training courses, who also distinguished himself in the musical scene during the last two years. The chairman of the jury was Bruno Cagli.


Giuseppe Russo Rossi