Musica Verticale
President: Stefano Petrarca
The historical and the more old italian association in electronics and contemporary music, assemble inside most of Italian composer working in this area. Musica Verticale was founded in 1977 by Walter Branchi and Guido Baggiani, direct by Enrico Cocco. The association represents a reference point in the diffusion of electro-acoustic music; in fact, it has organized concerts dedicated to contemporary music since 1978 and, in particular, an autumn festival at Rome which is hosted in some of the most important venues of contemporary art: the National Gallery of Modern Art, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Goethe Institute, University "La Sapienza", the Roman Acquarium. Over 500 new works by European, American and Eastern composers have been presented during the course of seventeen editions of the festival, with a constant exchange of musical and technical knowledge between production centers, instrumentalists and composers. Particularly significant has been the collaboration with the Institute of Sonology at Utrecht, Vancouver's Simon Fraser University, MIT of Boston, Stanford University, CSC of Padua, CNUCE of Pisa, CNRS of Marseilles, IRCAM and GMEB. Musica Verticale has organized concerts, seminars and conferences not only in Italy, but also in various foreign countries including Germany, Spain, France, Canada, Argentine, Brazil. In the realization of concerts, the association always pays particular attention to the relationship between the acoustic surroundings and sound diffusion. For this reason, the modality of performance of the pieces proposed is always integrated with a careful arrangement of audio systems which takes into account not only the program, but also (and above all) the venue.
Associazione Musica VerticaleVia Gentile da Mogliano, 158 - 00176 Rome
Ph./Fax: + 39 06
Fax: + 39 06
Web: www.musicaverticale.net
Email: [email protected]