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Istituto di Ricerca Musicale

The Contemporary Music Section of the Civica Scuola di Musica (Municipal School of Music) of Milan was founded in 1984 with the express object of diffusing today's music by means of courses, seminars, meetings with composers, and public performances. During the 1986 season, the masterclasses for composition music became a permanent event; these classes are held by Franco Donatoni and Brian Ferneyhough; in the same year the Contemporary Music Section was awarded the Premio Abbiati. The teaching of computer music was introduced in 1988 with lessons held by Alvise Vidolin. In addition to the permanent masterclasses held by Franco Donatoni and the meetings with Xenakis, Rihm, Carter, Stockhausen, Nono, Petrassi, Dufourt, Grisey, Nunes, Clementi, De Pablo and Murail, the following complementary courses were added to the principal composition course in 1989-90: electronic music, held by Alvise Vidolin; analysis, held by Gianmario Borio. A composition workshop  was added during the last two seasons, with Ivan Fedele, Alessandro Melchiorre, Alessandro Solbiati and Mauro Bonifacio as well as a seminar on the programs realized by ircam: Patchwork and Max held by Giovanni Cospito and Matteo Pennese. The Computer Music Workshop was created in 1993 as an addition to the courses.

IRMus-Istituto di Ricerca Musicale
Accademia Internazionale della Musica
Scuole Civiche di Milano
Villa Simonetta - Via Stilicone, 36 - 20154 Milan
Ph. +39 02 31.33.34
Fax +39 02 33.15.697
e-mail: [email protected] - [email protected]
web site:


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