Città della Scienza
Laboratorio musicale di Città della ScienzaFondazione IDIS
Via Coroglio, 104 - 80124 Naples
Ph.: +39 081 570.21.58
Fax: +39 081 762.2670
e-mail: [email protected]
web site: www.cittadellascienza.it
The aim of Fondazione IDIS/Città della Scienza iscreating a fertile ground for scientific and technological innovation in the South of Italy. To reach this goal Fondazione IDIS elaborated the project for the Città della Scienza, which first permanent configuration was opened in October 1996. Città della Scienza represents a unique example, in Europe, of integration between scientific and technological communication to the public culture and job creation. In the frame of the project, Città della Scienza hosts the Museo Vivo della Scienza, the first Italian science center. LaViM - Laboratorio Vivo della Musica (Live Laboratory of Music) in Città della Scienza continues, with its activities and future projects, in diffusing the knowledge about the phenomena related to the sound and the music, through action and reflection. Inter-activity is the basis and common ground of all the expressions of the Laboratory. The music in Città della Scienza is:
- an exhibition hall
- hands on exhibits on acoustic and waves-educational programs for schools
- development and design of multimedia and handson exhibits
- seminars, events, concerts
- collaborations with the main musical institutions in Naples.
Moreover there is a project financed by the Italian Ministry of Education for the national training and for the creation of innovative educational tools for musical learning.