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Michele Biasutti
Michele Biasutti - Biography
Udine, 1963

per alto flute, tape
and live electronics

Composer and Psychologist, he was awarded diplomas at the Padova Conservatory of music. A prize-winning composer (International Composer Competition L. Russolo, International Competition of Bourges, Concour International de Composition de la Societé de Musique Contemporaine du Québec, International Competition Pierre Schaeffer, ...), his works were radio broadcast (RAI, ORF, RNE 2, Radio Bratislava, RTSI, HRT, Radio Canada) and selected for International Festivals (ISEA '95 in Montreal, ISEA '96 in Rotterdam, Soundbox in Helsinki, VI BSCM in Rio de Janeiro, JIM'99 in Paris, VII BSCM in Curitiba). His music was performed in Festivals in European cities (Music Now in Dublin, Purcell Room in London, Fondazione Levi in Venice, 31st International Music Festival in Opatija, 18° Festival Internacional de mùsica contemporànea in Valencia, Tempo di Pratolino in Florence, Aspekte in Salzburg, Triduum in Klagenfurt, Society for new music in Prague, Concerts à la Villa Gillet in Lyon, Musiques d'aujourd'hui in Marseille, Neue Musik in Freiburg; Encuentros mùsica europea in Madrid...), in North and South America (M.I.T. in Boston, SMCQ in Montreal, San Francisco State University in S. Francisco, University of Maryland in Baltimore...) and in Australia (Interfaces, ACMC 2000 in Brisbane). He collaborated with International Centers for electronic music. He is active as music organizer, currently scientific director of the Computer Art Festival in Padova. He is in the jury of international competitions of composition. As a researcher in psychology of music, he received a Ph.D. at Padova University, discussing an experimental research about the perception of environmental sounds. To carry out researches Biasutti spent time at Indiana University in Bloomington and at the University of California in Berkeley. His writings have been published in several international psychological reviews. Among them: International Journal of Psychosomatics, Rivista di Musicoterapia, Hearing Research (Elseiver). He is the author of the books: Scholar Autonomy and Educational Research (CLEUP), Environmental Sound Education (La Nuova Italia). He has taught at the Conservatories of Novara and Venice and is researcher at Padova University. His music is recorded on Compact disc Artis-Cramps (ARCD 062, Polygram distribution), Fondazione Russolo-Pratella (Ef. Er. P94), Rivo Alto (CRR 9511, CRR 9610, Electa and Ducale distribution), and Accademia Musicale Pescarese (MV001). His papers were published on: International Journal of Psychosomatics, Attualità in Psicologia (Ed. Universitarie Romane), Rivista di Musicoterapia (Ed. Minerva Medica), Giornale italiano di Psicologia (Il Mulino), Hearing Research (Elseiver). He is the author of the books: Scholar Autonomy and Educational Research (CLEUP), Environmental sound education (La Nuova Italia). Michele Biasutti specialized in ecological music, music which seeks to return to the essential elements of human nature, re-evaluating the primary sphere of human auditory perception. He is interested in the relationship between scientific thought and the logic of music, applying the results to his composition and research. Biasutti has composed for theater, for chamber ensembles and for orchestra. His works for instruments and live electronics deepens the possibilities of interaction between technological developments and instrumental resources.