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Gian Francesco Malipiero
Gian Francesco Malipiero - Biography
Venezia, 1882 - Treviso, 1973

Dialogo IV (1956)
for five wind instruments
© Fonè

The Italian composer, violinist and musicologist, Gian Francesco Malipiero, is well known for his editions of the music of Monteverdi and Vivaldi.
He studied in Vienna, Venice and Paris.
From 1921 to 1923 he taught composition at Parma Conservatoire and later became director of the Conservatoire in Venice. He was a prolific and original composer in all genre of music.

He also provided arrangements of music by earlier composers, of which his Vivaldiana is one example.
Among his numerous symphonies may be mentioned his three sets of Impressioni dal vero.
Two sets of Invenzioni (Inventions), the second with the descriptive title La festa degli indolenti (The Feast of the Indolent) and Venere prigioniera (1956) are examples of his vast range of orchestral and operatic compositions.
His vast range of operatic compositions includes Venere prigioniera (1956).