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Riccardo Vaglini
for Flute in g, Guitar and Electronics ad libitum

Length: 13:00

World première: Duo Berson-Aschour, Paris, Collège d'Espagne, 19 May 1994 acoustic version; idem, Pisa, ArsenaleMusica Inaudita, San Paolo all'Orto, 3 June 1994 version with electronics.
Publication: unpublished; recorded on cd Duo, Ars Publica B&A001.
Fragile has been written to harbour the oscillations of an unsteady fractured sound, forever on the point of becoming a wail or a whisper - to leaf through the diary of the tangled paths of being - to extol incoherence and offer it as an priceless gift… (Richard Rorty O mon aimée Ralph Erskine Who can it be now? no. 1 & 2 Fragile Eleyson Riflessi d'antica perduta bellezza F & M Blême).
Fragile was commissioned by ArsenaleMusica 1994 for the Duo Berson-Aschour of Paris. (Riccardo Vaglini)