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Domenico Guaccero
Un hombre
In memoria di S: Allende. Testo di R. Alberti
for Soprano and Prepared piano

Dedicated to: A Luigi Pestalozza
Length: 11:00
Editor: Semar
1� Performance: Reggio Emilia - 09/1983

This work is a commission by the Festival Nazionale de L'UNITA' 1983, and was written on memory of SALVADOR ALLENDE, the president of Chili murdered in 1973 during the "golpe". I used the text of a poem that Raphael Alberti wrote under the impression of the events that took place on September 14 1973 and published the same day on the Roman newspaper PAESE SERA.
If story is not made by individual men, then some men are indispensable to do it. And SALVADOR ALLENDE was UN HOMBRE.

D.G. - Rome - June 1983
Dedicated to Luigi Pestalozza.