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Gianpaolo Evangelista
Gianpaolo Evangelista - Biography


E-mail: [email protected]

Research Interests
Signal Processing
Analysis and synthesis of music and speech signals
Physical models of musical instruments and sound sources
Digital audio effects
Multirate signal processing and wavelets
Signal adapted representations
Mathematical and computing techniques for signal / image processing and communication

Active Research Projects
Swiss National Funds: '99, principal investigator
"Adapted Representations for the Analysis, Synthesis and Processing of Audio Signals"
European COST - Swiss delegate to the G6 committee: "Digital Audio Effects"

Degrees and Awards
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from University of California, Irvine, June 1990. Ph.D. dissertation topic: Wavelet Transforms.
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from University of California, Irvine, March 1988. Master thesis topic: Fast Algorithms for VLSI implementation of the Discrete Fourier Transform.
Laurea in Physics, summa cum laude, from University of Naples, July 1984. Thesis topic: Mathematical models and hardware implementation of a system for the synthesis of acoustic signals.
Fulbright fellowship from Commissione per gli Scambi Culturali fra l'Italia e gli Stati Uniti, Rome, Italy and IIE, San Francisco, USA, 1986.

Professional Experience
1998-Now Scientific Adjunct at EPFL with the Audio-Visual Communications Laboratory (LCAV)
Principal investigator in audio communication projects.
Thesis supervisor
Coordinator of undergraduate and pre-doctoral student projects.
1995-Now  Researcher at Dept. of Physical Sciences, University "Federico II" of Naples.
Affiliated to the Acoustics and Electronics (ACEL) research group, with focus on applications of DSP to audio signals, speech and music.
Participation in the VIRGO project for the detection of gravitational waves.
Lecturer on Multirate Signal Processing in the Signal Processing class.
Instructor and member of the examination committee in the Physics Lab. I and Exp. III classes.
Thesis and research advisor.
1991-1994    Researcher at Mars (Microgravity Advanced Research and Support) Center, Naples.
Image processing, flow visualization, velocimetry, numerical integration of Partial Differential Equations with applications to experimental fluid-dynamics in microgravity.
Participation in the SpaceLab D2 Mission with real-time image analysis of on-board experiments.
1990-1994 Research Associate with the ACEL group at the Dept. of Physical Sciences, University of Naples.
Research on speech and music analysis, synthesis and coding by means of wavelet transforms.
1987-1990 Research Assistant at University of California, Irvine, Ca., USA.
Numerical Transforms for signal processing, filter theory, VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration).
Teaching in the research seminar on Advanced DSP.
 1985-1986 Research Engineer at Cemamu (Centre d'Etudes des Mathematiques et Acoustique Musicale), CNET (Centre Nationale d'Etudes des Telecommunications) Paris, France.
Development and testing of a microprogrammable hardware and software system for the analysis and synthesis of music, interfaced to a high resolution digitizer.
1984-1985 Software consultant and analyst at APRE (Azienda per il Risparmio Energetico), Naples, Italy.
Thermal data acquisition and processing for energy saving.

Papers in International Journals
G. Evangelista, "Dyadic Warped Wavelets," Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, pp. 73-171, vol. 117, Academic Press, April 2001.
G. Evangelista, S. Cavaliere, "Audio Effects Based on Biorthogonal Time-Varying Frequency Warping" EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, pp. 27-35, vol. 2001, no. 1, Hindawi, March 2001.
P. Polotti, G. Evangelista, "Analysis and Synthesis of Pseudo-Periodic 1/f-like Noise by means of Wavelets with Applications to Digital Audio" EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, pp. 1-14, vol. 2001, no. 1, Hindawi, March 2001.
G. Evangelista, "Flexible Wavelets for Music Signal Processing" to appear in Journal of New Music Research, vol. 30, no.1, Swets & Zeitlinger, 2001.
P. Polotti, G. Evangelista, "Fractal Additive Synthesis by means of Harmonic-Band Wavelets" Computer Music Journal, pp. 22-37, vol. 25, no. 3, MIT Press, Fall 2001.
G. Evangelista, S.Cavaliere, "Frequency Warped Filter Banks and Wavelet Transform: A Discrete-Time Approach Via Laguerre Expansions" IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 2638-2650, Oct. 1998.
G. Evangelista, S.Cavaliere, "Discrete Frequency Warped Wavelets: Theory and Applications" IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, special issue on Theory and Applications of Filter Banks and Wavelets, vol. 46, no. 4, pp.874-885, April 1998.
G. Evangelista, "The Coding Gain of Multiplexed Wavelet Transforms" IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 1681-1692, July 1996.
G. Evangelista, "Comb and Multiplexed Wavelet Transforms and Their Applications to Signal Processing" IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 292-303, Feb. 1994.
G. Evangelista, "Pitch Synchronous Wavelet Representations of Speech and Music Signals" IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, special issue on Wavelets and Signal Processing, vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 3313-3330, Dec. 1993.
S. Cavaliere, G. Evangelista and A. Piccialli, "Synthesis by Phase Modulation and its Implementation in Hardware" Computer Music Journal, vol.12, no.1, pp. 29-42, MIT Press, Cambridge, Ma., Spring 1988.

Book Chapters in Edited Books
G. Evangelista, "Time and Frequency Warping of Musical Signals" Digital Audio Effects, Wiley, manuscript in preparation.
G. Evangelista, "Wavelets That We Can Play: An Update" Diderot Forum on Mathematics and Music, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Music, H. G. Feichtinger and M. Dörfler, Eds. 1999, pp. 153-168, Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, Vienna, Austria.
G. Evangelista, "Wavelet Representations of Musical Signals" in Musical Signal Processing, A. Piccialli, G. De Poli, C. Roads and S. T. Pope, Eds. 1997, pp. 127-153, Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam, Holland.
G. Evangelista, "Wavelet transforms that we can play" in Representations of Musical Signals, A. Piccialli G. De Poli and C. Roads, Eds. 1991, pp. 119-136, MIT Press, Cambridge, Ma.
G. Evangelista, "Wavelet Transforms and Wave Digital Filters" in Wavelets and Applications, Y. Meyer, Ed., Springer-Verlag, 1992, pp. 396-412. Paper presented at the International Conference on Wavelets and Applications, Marseille, France, May 1989.

Papers in Conference Proceedings
P. Polotti, G. Evangelista, "Multiresolution Sinusoidal / Stochastic Model for Voiced Sounds" Proc. of DAFx 2001, Limerick, Ireland, pp. 120-124, Dec. 2001.
H. Viste, G. Evangelista, "Sound Source Separation: Preprocessing for Hearing Aids and Structured Audio Coding" Proc. of DAFx 2001, Limerick, Ireland, pp. 67-70, Dec. 2001.
G. Evangelista, "Real-Time Time-Varying Frequency Warping via Short-Time Laguerre Transform" Proc. of DAFx 2000, Verona, Italy, pp. 7-12, Dec. 2000.
P. Polotti, G. Evangelista, "Harmonic-Band Wavelet Coefficient Modeling for Pseudo-Periodic Sound Processing", Proc. of DAFx 2000, Verona, Italy, pp. 103-108, Dec. 2000.
G. Evangelista, S. Cavaliere, "Signal Transforms for the Detection and Identification of Signals" Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2000, Tampere, Finland, pp. 1069-1072, Sept. 2000.
G. Evangelista, S. Cavaliere, "Representation and Modification of Time-Varying Sound Signals" Proc. of the 13-th Colloquium on Musical Informatics, L'Aquila, Italy, pp. 25-28, Sept. 2000.
P. Polotti, G. Evangelista, "Sound Modeling by means of Harmonic-Band Wavelets: New Results and Experiments" Proc. of the 13-th Colloquium on Musical Informatics, L'Aquila, Italy, pp. 43-46, Sept. 2000.
S. Cavaliere, G. Evangelista and G. Sica, "Teaching Music and Acoustics: Interaction by use of Sensors in a Virtual Music Zone" Proc. of the 13-th Colloquium on Musical Informatics, L'Aquila, Italy, pp. 199-202, Sept. 2000.
G. Evangelista, "The Short-Time Laguerre Transform: a New Method for Real-Time Frequency Warping of Sounds" Proc. of the Internat. Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2000, Berlin, Germany, pp. 380-383, Aug. 2000.
P. Polotti, G. Evangelista, "Time-Spectral Modeling of Sounds by Means of Harmonic-Band Wavelets" Proc. of the Internat. Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2000, Berlin, Germany, pp. 388-391, Aug. 2000.
S. Cavaliere, G. Evangelista, G. Sica, "Didattica della musica: un sistema basato su controlli gestuali" Proc. of the XXVIII Convegno AIA (Associazione Italiana di Acustica), Trani, Italy, June 2000.
G. Evangelista, S.Cavaliere, "Time-Varying Frequency Warping: Results and Experiments," Proc. of DAFx99, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 13-16, Dec. 1999.
P. Polotti, G. Evangelista,  "Dynamic Models of Pseudo-Periodicity" Proc. of DAFx99, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 147-150, Dec. 1999.
G. Evangelista, S.Cavaliere, "On Asymptotic Properties of Frequency Warped Wavelets" Proc. of IASTED-SIP International Conference Signal and Image Processing, Nassau, The Bahamas, pp. 338-342, Oct. 1999.
G. Evangelista, S. Cavaliere, "Dispersive and Pitch-Synchronous Processing of Sounds" Proc. of the Digital Audio Effects Workshop, DAFX'98, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 232-236, Nov. 1998.
G. Evangelista, S.Cavaliere, "Auditory Modeling via Frequency Warped Wavelet Transform" Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO '98, vol. I, pp. 117-120, Rhodes, Greece, Sept. 1998.
G. Evangelista, S.Cavaliere, "Arbitrary Bandwidth Wavelet Sets" Proc. of IEEE Internat. Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '98, vol. III, pp. 1801-1804, Seattle, Wa., May 1998.
S. Cavaliere, G. Evangelista, "Unitary transform and modification of sound" Atti del workshop Sistemi Intelligenti per l'Arte e l'intrattenimento, Napoli, Aprile 1999, appeared on Notizie AIIA, Sept. 1999.
S. Cavaliere, G. Evangelista, "Representation of Pseudoperiodic Signals by means of Pitch-Synchronous Frequency Warped Wavelet Transform" Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conference,EUSIPCO '98, Rhodes, Greece, vol. II, pp. 625-628, Sept. 1998.
S. Cavaliere, G. Evangelista, "Optimum Frequency Warping of Pseudo-periodic Signals," Proc. of the 12-th Colloquium on Musical Informatics, Gorizia, Italy, pp. 31-34, Sept. 1998.
G. Evangelista, P. Polotti, "Analysis and Synthesis of Pseudo-periodic 1/f-like Noise by Means of Multiband Wavelets" Proc. of the 12-th Colloquium on Musical Informatics, pp. 35-38, Gorizia,  Sept. 1998.
G. Evangelista, S.Cavaliere, "Analysis and Regularization of Inharmonic Sounds via Pitch-Synchronous Frequency Warped Wavelets" Proc. of the Internat. Computer Music Conference, ICMC '97, pp. 51-54, Thessaloniki, Greece, Sept. 1997.
I. Testa, G. Evangelista and S. Cavaliere, "A Physical Model of Stiff Strings" Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics (Internat. Symp. on Music and Acoustics, ISMA'97) Vol.19:Part 5 (1997) Book 1, pp. 219-224, Edinburgh, U.K., Aug. 1997.
G. Evangelista, S.Cavaliere, "The Discrete-Time Frequency Warped Wavelet Transform" Proc. of IEEE Internat. Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '97, vol. III, pp. 2105-2108,  Munich, Germany, April 1997.
G. Evangelista, "Pseudo-Periodic 1/f-Like Noise" Proc. of the IEEE Internat. Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale (TFTS'96), pp. 121-124, Paris, France, June 1996.
S. Cavaliere, G. Evangelista, "New identification algorithms for the Karplus Strong string synthesis" Proc. of the International Workshop on Physical Model Synthesis, Firenze, June 1996.
G. Frattini, S. Cavaliere, G. Evangelista, "Sintesi Granulare delle Consonanti Fricative Sorde," Atti del XXIV Convegno AIA (Associazione Italiana di Acustica), pp. 123-126, Trento, 1996.
S. Cavaliere, G. Evangelista, L. Romano, "Un nuovo metodo di analisi e stima dei parametri per la sintesi di suoni mediante algoritmo Karplus-Strong" Atti del XXIV Convegno AIA (Associazione Italiana di Acustica),  pp. 197-200, Trento, 1996.
G. Evangelista, S. Cavaliere, "Karplus-Strong Parameter Estimation" Proc. dell' XI Colloquio d' Informatica Musicale, pp. 85-88, Bologna, Italy, Nov. 1995.
G. Evangelista, "Multiplexed Wavelet Transforms for the Representation of Musical Signals" Proceedings of the 2-nd Workshop on Representations of Musical Sounds, Capri, Italy, Oct. 1992.
G. Evangelista, "Time-scale representations of musical signals" Proc. of IX Colloquio d' Informatica Musicale, pp. 303-313, Genova, Italy, Nov. 1991.
G. Evangelista, C. W. Barnes, "Discrete-Time Wavelet Transforms and Their Generalizations" invited paper, Proc. of the IEEE Internat. Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'90), New Orleans, La., May 1990.
G. Evangelista, "Orthogonal Wavelet Transforms and Filter Banks" Proceedings of the 23-rd Asilomar Conference, Pacific Grove, CA, November 1989. Abstract and poster previously presented at the IV Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop, Pacific Grove, CA, September 1989.
S. Cavaliere, G. Evangelista, I. Ortosecco and P. Piccialli, "Digital Signal Processing aspects in the synthesis of audio signals" in Proc. of the XXXII Open Seminar on Acoustics, pp. 325-334, Cracow, Poland,1985

Theses and Dissertations
"Discrete-Time Wavelet Transforms" Ph.D. dissertation at Univ. of California, Irvine, June 1990.
"DFT algorithms for VLSI implementations" Master of Science thesis at Univ. of California, Irvine, March 1988.
"PSOTROLL: Un musicista calcolatore? Sintesi dei segnali acustici mediante tratti di sinusoide" Laurea thesis at Dept. of Physical Sciences, Univ. of Naples, Italy, July 1984.

Updated to 2003