Belfast - Edison
27-28 August 2008ICMC - International Computer Music Conference 2008
Edison Studio
Belfast, August 27 - 10pm Mandela Hall
Mauro Cardi Alba (2002) for zarb and electronics
Luigi Ceccarelli De Zarb à Daf (1997) for zarb, daf and electronics
Mahamad Ghavi-Helm zarb
Belfast, August 27 - 10pm Mandela Hall
Mauro Cardi Alba (2002) for zarb and electronics
Luigi Ceccarelli De Zarb à Daf (1997) for zarb, daf and electronics
Mahamad Ghavi-Helm zarb
Belfast, August 28 - 7pm Whitla Hall
Alessandro Cipriani Bi Ma (Devoid of Self) (2002) for percussions, voice and electronics
Fabio Cifariello Ciardi Altri Passaggi (2001) for two zarbs, two dafs and electronics
Mahamad Ghavi-Helm zarb
From the meeting between Mahamad Ghavi-Helm and Edison Studio were born four works which create a show where Eastern and Western music melt together, thanks to a music which goes through Iranian folk music, new technologies and modern music.
In Alessandro Cipriani's Bi Ma a man is surrounded by tingling metals, by cymbals and bells... he plays them without looking and he gets filled with sound.
In Mauro Cardi's Alba the score reminds of a circular motion, with loads of inner paths looking for oneself.
Fabio Cifariello Ciardi's Altri Passaggi is to the author an initiation to the mysteries of the drum, a bridge between heaven and earth and mother of all things.
Luigi Ceccarelli's De Zarb à Daf is meant to be a homage to Téhèrani, innovator of the Zarb technique and an ideal bridge between the ancient manual technique and digital technology.
In Alessandro Cipriani's Bi Ma a man is surrounded by tingling metals, by cymbals and bells... he plays them without looking and he gets filled with sound.
In Mauro Cardi's Alba the score reminds of a circular motion, with loads of inner paths looking for oneself.
Fabio Cifariello Ciardi's Altri Passaggi is to the author an initiation to the mysteries of the drum, a bridge between heaven and earth and mother of all things.
Luigi Ceccarelli's De Zarb à Daf is meant to be a homage to Téhèrani, innovator of the Zarb technique and an ideal bridge between the ancient manual technique and digital technology.
Born in 1951 in Téhéran, Mahamad Ghavi-Helm studied at Téhéran High Conservatory of Music and completed his studies in France under Sylvio Gualda. Together with his solo activity he keeps seminars on improvvisation in Iranian percussions and he teaches Western percussions in Palaiseau and Bourges Conservatories. Ghavi-Helm worked together with many Iranian great musicians and conductors.His recordings and exhibitions brought him to Europe, Asia and America.