China - Duo Alterno
25-30 May 2010
Tiziana Scandaletti soprano
Riccardo Piacentini piano
in residence
Beijing, May, 25
Beijing Modern Music Festival
Luciano Berio Quattro canzoni popolari [Four popular songs] (1947/71)
- Dolce cominciamento [Sweet beginning]
- La donna ideale [The ideal woman]
- Avendo gran disìo [Having much desire]
- Il ballo [The dance]
(texts by Jacopo da Lentini [1] and Anonymous [2, 3, 4])
Riccardo Piacentini Jazz motetus VI (Cricket play) (2003)
for piano and "foto-suoni" recorded in Beijing
Sylvano Bussotti Lachrimae (1978)
An ideal ballet for every voice
Version for the Duo Alterno for voice and pianoforte licensed by the composer
(texts in old French language, English, German, Italian)
Fabio Vacchi Aria di Nadia [Nadia's Aria] (2010)
Dedicated to the Duo Alterno - First world performance
Orazio Sciortino Affondata è la luna [The moon has sunk] (2010) - First world performance
Riccardo Piacentini Foto-suoni delle nuove scienze (2009)
for pianoforte and "foto-suoni" recorded in Italy and Singapore
(texts by Galileo Galilei)
Luca Lombardi Ophelia-Fragmente (1982)
- Da Europa der Frau
- Wildharrend / In der Furchtbaren Rüstung / Jahrtausende
(texts by Heiner Müller)
Ada Gentile La giornata di Betty Boop [Betty Boop's daytime] (2006)
I) I pensieri di Betty Boop [Betty Boop's thoughts]
II) A passeggio con Boby [A walk with Boby]
III) Giocando a palla [Playing with a ball]
IV) Lezione di solfeggio [Solfeggio lesson]
V) Pattinando sul ghiaccio [Skating on ice]
VI) A scuola di ballo [Dance school]:
- A tempo di valzer [Waltz time]
- American rock
Dedicated to the Duo Alterno
(texts by Sandro Cappelletto, English version by Anna Lisa Deidda)
Mongolia, Ulaan Baatar, May 28 - Opera Theater
Beijing, May 30 - Italian Culture Institut
Workshop “Duo Alterno: viaggio in Italia. Alla ricerca delle radici popolari della musica contemporanea”